Wow! How is it November already? Cannot believe all that has been going on with my second graders this year. Since this is my first year teaching second I have been learning (and studying!) right along with my students.
First, let's start with how my classroom turned out after I was done decorating. I vaguely remember how it looked before the first day. Boy, does it change as soon as you add students to the mix!

It was so fun starting out the year with some familiar faces! Since ten of my students came with me to second grade, I have to say it seemed to be a smoother transition back into school. Not sure if it was because I now have older students at the beginning, if it was because of the familiar faces in my room or both!
Here was my First Day of Second Day frame that my sweeties all took their pictures with. I accidentally put 2014 on when I made it and one of my smarties said "Um, Mrs. McNulty, isn't it 2013?" DUH!! Since I didn't bring the number stickers with me to school, I had to cut a three out of construction paper and decorate it a bit to match. Proof that no matter how much we plan, things do not always go as perfectly as we try to! Good thing I have some smart kids to keep me in line!

I had an awesome teacher's assistant cold laminate the pictures and I use them in my Daily 5 and math stations pocket charts. Students (and me!) can easily find their pictures and know which station to go to. I will send them home at the end of the year for a second grade souvenir.
So, way back in September we reviewed to start the year off! I got this great idea from Katie King over at
Queen of the First Grade Jungle.
Those short vowel sounds are always the trickiest and this was a great activity to help review.
I posted this awesome sign and practiced the sounds of each vowel. We used our thumb and index finger to pinch the vowel sound as we said the word, a-a-a-apple and so on. Katie explains it perfectly on her blog.
Then I had students hold up the vowel sound they heard in each word I called out. At first I only used words that started with a short vowel sound and then after we practiced that, I added some CVC words.
It is important that each vowel sound has its own color so you can quickly scan the room to see who is comprehending and who needs more practice.
Whew! That is just the beginning of what we have been working on these past two and a half months, but in the hopes that most of you are still reading this long post, I will stop there for now! I have been trying my best to remember to take pictures while we are working, so I do have a few more posts coming soon!
Love the curtains in your windows!